
Monday, November 21, 2011

Sandy Island, Tyrrel Bay & Hillsborough Bay, Carriacou

Tyrril Bay, Carriacou
See where the wooden dock meets the concrete
November 17, 2011  Tyrrel Bay, Carriacou
Lazy.  Working on the lines and have not even bothered to get the dingy down.  Why are we so tired?  We haven’t even tackled the stinking lines with the barnacles still on them...I've only cleaned & applied fabric softner to all the others.

After a lazy do nothing day, we went with Margaret and Rich, aboard S/V Dance Aweigh, (from Port Louis Marina days) in their dingy to a local restaurant for dinner.  Wow, getting off the dink was easy, but getting down and off the dingy dock was a task.  The dock was secured to a concrete walkway thru the water, but the dock was only held by one side, the other having broken/rotten through.  So, the dock is swinging left/right/ back and forth and the tide is washing over the concrete part.  Gotta time it just right, JUMP onto the concrete part with some help from the guys and then wade and NOT SLIP down the concrete to the sand and then up to the restaurant.  That is entertainment for all watching from the decks.  We drank nothing - knowing we needed all wits about us to get back into the dink -- in the dark.  Fun time and so good to see ‘old’ friends.

The concrete was underwater with plenty of wave action when we arrived

Clearly no lawyers in this area

November 18, 2011
Early morning KNOCK KNOCK on the hull.  Surprise!  The sailing vessel, Blue Moment, had pulled in during the night with David & Diane aboard - more friends from Port Louis Marina.  A quick discussion and they made plans to join us later in the day at Sandy Island, off Hillsborough Bay in Carriacou.

Boat at anchor in Tyrrel Bay, Carriacou

Carriacou is noted for these racing sailboats
Can't believe we passed these lobsters up!!
 Pulling up anchor, along with Dance Aweigh, we towed our dingy behind us for the short trip to Sandy Island.  Ah, beautiful place - long strip of bright white sand, lovely beach and some good snorkeling off the reefs at either end.  Still lazy - don’t know why - and enjoying every moment of LAZY.
Chart of Sandy Island & Hillsborough Bay

Enjoying Sandy Island

Margaret & Rich; Andy, Diane & David on Sandy Island

Doesn't get any better than this!!

Beautiful Beach, Beautiful Water on Sandy Island
Andy would rather scrape barnacles off the lines than snorkel

Sunset behind Blue Moment at Sandy Island

There is a rainbow every 5 minutes it seems

Two days of this LAZY wonderful nothing, we tossed off the mooring ball, cruising all of 5 minutes over to Hillsborough Bay, near the dock, to drop the hook so we can check out of the country of Grenada in the early AM, heading for the island country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. 

Hillsborough Bay

Phew, the Rocnar, old reliable, failed to grab when I dropped her into a small patch of sand.  In nothing flat, we realized we were dragging anchor.  Before I could get the anchor back on deck to start over, the RAINS CAME.  Squally white out, driving rain.  Ugh.   Andy kept Finally Fun on a tight leash, circling about.  Visibility was about nil for awhile and I nervously paced the fly bridge, trying to see where all the boats were at anchor, and hoping no fool was underway in the area.  We finally made for Sandy Island, where we had started from, grabbing a mooring ball quickly in order to sit out the squall in relative calm and at least not be blindly underway.

In short order, the rains quit and we cruised back, dropping the hook in time to celebrate Rich’s 64th birthday aboard Dance Aweigh!
Great art on the building!

Humm, a ready enterprise for my sister, Anne & I???

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